Water requirements, growth and yield for sunflower Helianthum annuus L. and yellow corn Zea mays L. using the CROPWAT Program
A field experiment was conducted on 3/12/2023 in one of the agricultural fields affiliated with the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at the University of Baghdad / Al-Jadriya, with the aim of determining the budget, water needs, and yield coefficient of sunflower and yellow corn plants under field conditions. The experiment was carried out at a rate of 6 * 6 m2 for each crop, and the moisture was based on the two methods of gravity and the use of sensors. The depth of irrigation and the change in storage were calculated, and the optimal time period for irrigation was calculated. Daily evapotranspiration. The amount of actual evapotranspiration was also calculated, thus finding the crop coefficient Kc. It was found from the results of the result of the plant height and disc area for the sunflower plant that the highest height was 237 cm, while the lowest height was recorded at 180 cm. This was for the sunflower plant. As for the yellow corn plant, the highest plant height was recorded at 238 cm and the lowest height was 189 cm. As well as the results of water use, it was found that adopting the water budget method has good results in monitoring the crop’s water needs.